Once known as Elf Leaf, Rosemary has been used through the ages to attract happy feelings. It prevents spoiling in foods and has a similar action on the body. Rosemary is an adjuvant herb, meaning to help along, or assist other herbs in their actions, so can be a powerful component in many formulas. A long-standing reputation of being an invigorating herb that promotes a zest for life. Known as the “herb of memory”, recent studies have shown that multiple anti-oxidant compounds from Rosemary collect in the brain and assist with brain function. Greek scholars often wore a garland of the herb on their heads to help their memory during examinations. A good alternative to coffee as it improves focus without the negative over-stimulating effects of caffeine in some people. Improves food absorption by stimulating digestion and increasing blood circulation, particularly to the brain and digestive tract. Rosemary also has an affinity for the cardiovascular system, lowering the risk of heart disease.
Rosmarinus officinalis and undenatured food grade ethanol.
Glycerin tinctures available on request.
Internal Uses:
Improves circulation
Improves memory
Reduces headaches
Stimulates liver & gallbladder
Beneficial for Alzheimer’s patients
Mental fatigue
Stimulates hair growth
Mild pain relief
Eases stress and anxiety
Reduces joint inflammation
Fights cancer cells
External Uses:
Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties – athlete’s foot, ringworm, keratolysis, etc.
Antiseptic gargle for sore throats, gums and canker sores
Rosemary oil to nourish and rejuvenate skin
Spiritual Uses:
Powerful meditation incense
Bundles hung by the front door will protect the house and it’s inhabitants from harmful people
Excellent for smudging and purification
Eliminates negative moods
Encourages clarity and insight
Dispels negative energies and jealousy
Promotes integrity and loyalty – often used in love spells
Placed under the pillow, it wards off nightmares and negative energies while sleeping
Avoid if you have high blood pressure
This data included on this website should not take the place of medical advice. We encourage you to talk to your healthcare providers about your interest in, questions about, or use of herbs and what may be best for your overall health.